6. Sacred Taíno Healing — 2020 — 2023

Role: Brand Identity
Client: Sacred Taíno Healing

Branding for Irka Mateo’s Sacred Taíno Healing. For this project, I worked with indigenous researcher, educator, and healer Irka Mateo, to develop a brand identity for her healing practice. 

In creating this brand identity, I worked with Irka to draw reference to colors and symbols which felt representative of her culture and personal identity as a healer. 

You can learn more about Sacred Taino Healing on her website.

Moon Ceremony Flyers

In addition to creating Sacred Taino Healing’s central branding identity, I also had the opportunity to design bi-monthly moon ceremony flyers. These flyers intentionally differ from the central brand through use of varied color and font while still maintaining the same illustration style as well as references to nature and indigenous symbolism.
